Выполнила: Трусова  Анастасия, ученица 9б класса МБОУ «СОШ № 32»  г.Энгельса,  Саратовской области

научный руководитель:Нестерова Вера Викторовна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ № 32»  г.Энгельса,  Саратовской области

INTRODUCTION. From the history of tourism.

Tourism began to develop in ancient times. Early travelling was essentially to seek food or to escape danger. It was also undertaken for trade.

The Egyptians travelled for pleasure. The Persians started to travel initially for military use. The Greeks were the first, who shaped the modern day travel. The Romans built excellent roads, transportation and communication systems, rest houses. Thomas Cook is the Father of Tourism. His first organized trip was 'Leicester to Loughborough' in 1841. It covered a distance of 22 km for 570 members. He acted as an agent by buying tickets in bulk and selling it to others on a nonprofit basis. This gave him an idea to package tours in a profitable manner. He organized the travel arrangements, accommodations, transport at the destinations and return to the homeland. He organized the first 'inclusive tour' to Paris Exhibition in 1855.

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